August 2024



Thanks to those members who contributed photos and materials. After enjoying a SISKA event or paddle, please consider sending a short (100-150 words) summary article; for more information, contact one of us, . If you would like to start a regular column, please let us know!

Jane Jacek (SISKA president) and Tony Playfair (editor)

Convenient Links

PS: SISKA on Facebook

PPS: Siska’s Youtube Channel

PPPS: Siska’s Newsletter Archive - Mailchimp or Siska Newsletters Backup

PPPPS: Rocky Point Demolition Blasting Notices

Upcoming SISKA Events

Thursday, August 08th, 2024 - 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM - Light Paddle - Fleming Beach to Victoria Harbour Paddle
Saturday, August 10th, 2024 - 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM - Energizer Paddle - Maple Bay Rowing Club to Genoa Bay one way
Sunday, August 11th, 2024 - 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM - Energizer Paddle - Spirit Bay to Whirl Bay Paddle
Sunday, August 11th, 2024 - 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM - Raft Up with Comox Valley Paddlers
Thursday, August 15th, 2024 - 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM - Relaxed Paddle - Brechin St Boat Launch in Nanaimo to Newcastle and Protection Islands Paddle
Thursday, August 15th, 2024 - 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM - Romp - Balance Brace
Saturday, August 17th, 2024 - 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM - Relaxed Paddle - Brentwood Bay Ferry Wharf to Night Paddle in Todd Inlet Tentative Paddle
Thursday, August 22nd, 2024 - 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM - Romp - Forward Finishing Roll
Saturday, August 24th, 2024 - 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM - Relaxed Paddle - Brentwood Bay Ferry Wharf to Night Paddle in Todd Inlet Tentative
Sunday, August 25th, 2024 - 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM - Relaxed Paddle - Brentwood Bay Ferry Wharf to NEW MEMBERS Mackenzie Bight Paddle
Thursday, September 05th, 2024 - 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM - Light Paddle - Cadboro Bay to Uplands Foreshore
Friday, September 06th, 2024 - 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM - Relaxed Paddle - Patrica Bay to RAFT UP Coles Bay Paddle
Friday, September 06th, 2024 - 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM - Energizer Paddle - Telegraph Cove to RAFT UP Discovery Island Paddle
Saturday, September 07th, 2024 - 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM - Relaxed Paddle - Fleming Beach to RAFT UP Thetis Cove Paddle
Saturday, September 07th, 2024 - 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM - Energizer Paddle - Oak Bay Marina to RAFT UP Trial Island/Gonzales Bay Paddle
Sunday, September 08th, 2024 - 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM - Energizer Paddle - Broken Islands Lodge to Paddle
Sunday, September 08th, 2024 - 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM - Energizer Paddle - Maple Bay Rowing Club to RAFT UP Genoa Bay one way Paddle
Sunday, September 08th, 2024 - 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM - Relaxed Paddle - Pedder Bay to RAFT UP Bentinck Island Paddle
Saturday, September 21st, 2024 - 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM - Energizer Paddle - Telegraph Cove to Discovery Island Paddle
Sunday, September 22nd, 2024 - 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM - Relaxed Paddle - Esquimalt Lagoon to Esquimalt Harbour Paddle

Upcoming NON-Siska Events

This September 23rd and 24th 2024 Dr. Gordon Giesbrecht (Professor Popsicle and world-renowned expert in hypothermia) and Ian Gilson from the University of Manitoba will be putting on a two-day workshop here in Victoria. Attached is copy of their poster for this event including how to register. Gordon Grant Giesbrecht is a Canadian physiologist who operates the Laboratory for Exercise and Environmental Medicine at the University of Manitoba. He studies the effects of extreme environments, including cold, heat, and hypobaria on the human body. His laboratory motto is vitas salvantas (saving lives). He was dubbed “Professor Popsicle” in a feature article in Outside Magazine.

Register HERE

No Siska General Meetings Until September

by Fred Pishalski

SISKA’s September meeting date has been changed, because of a speaker scheduling change, to Monday night September 23rd. Do not show up on Wednesday but rather Monday night at Garth Homer Centre at 813 Darwin Ave. The meeting starts at 7:00pm but folks are encouraged to bring kayaking related equipment to sell or swap ahead of the meeting.

Upcoming Level 3 Paddle Canada Course

by Jane Jacek/Amber Champion


Just wanted to share a new L3 date with you for September 5th-9th in the Deer Group. I will be coaching this and am hoping to get a few eager paddlers.

Details can be found here

If anyone is interested please send them our way.

Hope you’re having a great summer of adventures and paddling.

Warm regards, Amber Champion

Paddle Canada Level 4 Skills/ Level 4 Instructor/ Level 3 Instructor Trainer Paddle Canada SUP Advanced Flatwater Instructor Trainer/ Multi-day instructor/Surf Instructor

Owner, Blue Dog Kayaking 705 888 1051 Youtube Channel.

Off Water Clinics - What’s New, What to Expect for 202425

by Rod Stiebel

We hope, as always, to fill up the schedule with lots of interesting, informative, and even entertaining clinics this coming fall/winter. This season, we have added a third member to join our committee. We welcome Dan Dunaway. I am sure he will bring lots of ideas and energy to the team. Dan plus Julie Deans, and myself, Rod Stiebel, make up the Off Water Clinics committee.

The OWC (off water clinics) can be a great distraction for learning and more, over the colder, less kayak friendly weather. This year we expect to offer much of the same, including a few tours, as they are available, which included CFB Esquimalt JRCC, and the MCTS in Pat Bay, to name two last year. We expect the cost for most to still be $15.00 for the clinics at Pearkes Rec Center, and only charge more or anything, if there is a cost to the club.

Something a bit different this year is most clinics will still be at Pearkes, but will start at 6:30 sharp, versus 7, giving us 2-12 hours of time versus just 2. We hope to make the clinics a bit less rushed, as with much interest at most clinics, we run over time quite often. We do have the room from 6PM usually, so we hope to start at 6:30 sharp, to take full advantage of the extra 30 minutes, so you can show up early and be ready to go.

We also hope to put on another “Beach Day/Rodeo” of clinics, with topics such as Fitting your Kayak, Tarpology, Easy Basic Beach Repairs and more if there is an appetite for it, and if we find the members willing to donate a day as a Facilitator. This would be a Spring event, as the weather gets warmer, and hopefully sunnier, before we are all off on our early summer trips! We think mid April would work for most.

We will also try and facilitate courses by outside organizations, such as St. John’s Ambulance for First Aid, the Power Squadron for VHF certification and more. As always the club is constantly keeping members aware of any courses partner vendors may have.

Remember! We rely heavily on our own members to volunteer to facilitate these clinics. It keeps our club vibrant and current. If you can, please think about volunteering to put on a clinic.

Also, if you have some ideas for clinics you may want to share, we are open to all ideas, and people.

To contact the Off Water Clinics committee, email at:

Clinics Listings - Past Year and Future

Rodeo (Beachside) Clinics Previously offered

Tentative: To be offered in Spring 2025

Wish List of Beachside Clinics (not offered this past year)

Classroom Clinics offered this past year TOTAL 6

Wish List of classroom Clinics (not offered this past year)

Tour Style Clinics

Seaweed Tour with Dakini Tidal Wilds

by Rod Stiebel

While out paddling, do you ever wonder about all the different seaweeds that are below? Here is your opportunity to learn more! Amanda Swinimer, BSc Marine Biology, and author of The Science and Spirit of Seaweed, and The Science and Superpowers of Seaweed, a Guide for Kids, will show you the way. A 90 minute tour of a beach near Ogden Point in James Bay will be your classroom. You will learn all about the amazing seaweeds that grow in the Salish Sea, being able to identify them, their edibility, including nutritional and health properties. Culinary tips as well as spa use will be explored. Ecology and sustainability will also be part of the discussion. Included will be a tasting of a variety of local, wild harvested seaweeds.

Amanda has agreed to offer this tour on Sunday August 18, at 9:00AM, the best time for low tide exploration at this location. The cost is $70.00 per person. A minimum of 4 members are needed for this event to proceed. This is a “Rain or Shine” event.

The link to register for the course is:

You can also visit their website for more info at :

Save the Date for Another Classic…Picnic

by Jane Jacek

Saturday September 21, 2024

Cadboro Bay/ Gyro Park 9am - 3pm (rain or shine)


Gear Swap: Looking to buy or sell kayak gear and/or a kayak? This is the event for you!

Kayak Chat : Visit with your peers, share your summer kayak stories, ask seasoned paddlers your kayak questions.

Deck Lines by Andrew Cusack : Does your kayak need the all important deck lines? Do your deck lines need replacing? Then bring your kayak to this event and Andrew will do his magic and install or update your deck lines. Deck lines supplied by SISKA. This is on a first come basis. Be ready to assist Andrew as needed.

Refreshments: Coffee, tea and goodies will be supplied


Lunch: bring your own picnic


Light Paddle Cadboro Bay Tour: keep an eye out, in August, for the registration link.

Tips From The Trips

by Debbie Leach

Tarp Tip. Use bungee cords to lessen stress in tarp in higher winds.

Camp Cookery

by Lynn Baier

Here’s another one stolen from Facebook. Adjust the quantities as need be. To adapt it for dehydrating, I would put it in the dehydrator after the beef and vegetables have been cooked. Keep liquids down to a minimum and add dried boullion cubes or sachets when rehydrating. You could also use dried hash browns or scalloped potatoes, both easily found at the grocery store, instead of cooking with the potatoes. Add the cheese after everything has been rehydrated and stir in. Sour cream keeps well to travel, if you have room, but it could also be left out pretty easily too.


Safety Item

by Alison Keighan

Emergency Communications

In a previous life, I worked as a Maritime Search & Rescue Coordinator at the Joint Rescue Coordination Centre Victoria (JRCC Victoria). I recently contacted them to refresh my understanding of the SAR system and ask them what key messages they would like me to convey to kayakers. This is the first of a series of articles covering our discussion.

There are multiple ways to reach Search and Rescue (SAR) in case of emergency. Each of these methods has advantages and disadvantages.

VHF Radio on Channel 16 to Coast Guard Radio (Marine Communications & Traffic Services)

Phone direct to JRCC Victoria

Phone 911 and ask for Coast Guard

Satellite Devices

BC Marine Trails News

July Newsletter

SISKA’s Kayak Skills Course Partners

There are some fine discounts available from our kayak skills course partners for SISKA members who sign up for their skills training programs.

Our partners are:

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